The play interpreter rendering can be easily swapped out and works as well with Scalatags as it does with twirl.


Scalatags is an attractive alternative when doing web development in scala, and it is easy to swap out the rendering to use this instead of twirl.

Firstly you will need to have scalatags as a library dependency.

Secondly you will need to tell the Play Framework how to render the Tag type -

package controllers

import play.api.http.{Writeable, ContentTypeOf, ContentTypes}
import play.api.mvc.Codec
import scalatags.Text.all._

trait ScalatagsSupport {

  implicit def contentTypeOfTag(implicit codec: Codec): ContentTypeOf[Tag] = {

  implicit def writeableOfTag(implicit codec: Codec): Writeable[Tag] = {
    Writeable(tag => codec.encode("<!DOCTYPE html>\n" + tag.render))


object ScalatagsSupport extends ScalatagsSupport

Now all you need to do is to implement your controller to extend PlayInterpreter[Tag] and ScalatagsSupport rather than PlayInterpreter[Html].

other technologies

As you can see PlayInterpreter can support any datatype for rendering and as such it should be possible to plug in whichever technology you prefer for rendering.

While it is possible to have two controllers use different rendering technologies within the same project this is not advised as it limits reuse of components - you will likely find yourself having to write a WebAsk[Tag, Int] as well as a WebAsk[Html, Int].