Writing a basic journey

To get our feet wet we’re going to start with a simple user journey that does a few things - first it will ask the user for their date of birth, secondly it will calculate the number of days the user has been alive and finally it will return their date of birth as a string.


You will need to import the core uniform library, and you will need cats. You do not need to import any interpreters when merely defining the journey.

import ltbs.uniform._

We’re going to use the old java.time.LocalDate in our program too along with some code for formatting. This is specific to our example here and not likely needed for your project.

import java.time._, format._

Journey definition

Now we can create our main journey body.

def dateOfBirth = for {
  dateOfBirth <- ask[LocalDate]("date-of-birth")
  daysAlive   = LocalDate.now.toEpochDay - dateOfBirth.toEpochDay
   _          <- tell[Long]("days-alive", daysAlive)
} yield dateOfBirth.format(

Notice that this is very similar to a tagless final program.

The journey itself defines the user-journey or interaction you wish to model. It is completely abstract at this point and the interpreter gets to decide how to represent the questions.

TODO: Why do we need to import cats or higher kinds here?