Remote Calls in Play
Care must be taken when hooking remote calls into a journey to avoid repeatedly hitting a server. For example consider this journey -
import ltbs.uniform._
import cats.implicits._
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.concurrent.Future
case class User (
forename: String,
surname: String,
age: Int
trait Server {
def userLookup(userName: String): Future[User]
def isAllowed(user: User): Future[Boolean]
case class SensitiveData(value: String)
type TellTypes = SensitiveData :: NilTypes
type AskTypes = String :: NilTypes
def exampleJourney = for {
userName <- ask[String]("username")
user <- convert("user-lookup",server.userLookup)
_ <- (
tell[SensitiveData]("s1", SensitiveData("s1")),
tell[SensitiveData]("s2", SensitiveData("s2")),
tell[SensitiveData]("s3", SensitiveData("s3")),
tell[SensitiveData]("s4", SensitiveData("s4"))
).tupled when server.isAllowed(user)
} yield (user.surname)
This journey will ask the user for their username, look up their
account from userLookup
. It will then show the user 4 items of
but only if they are permitted according to isAllowed
Lets assume we have a Server[Future]
instance that calls our server
and returns a response.
We now need to implement a Server[WebMonad]
so we can interleave
these calls into our journey. We might do this as follows -
import ltbs.uniform.common.web._
import ltbs.uniform.interpreters.playframework._
import play.twirl.api.Html
import concurrent._
case class ServerWrapper(
inner: Server[Future]
)(implicit codec: Codec[User]) extends Server[WebMonad[?, Html]] {
val adapter = FutureAdapter[Html]
def userLookup(userName: String): WebMonad[User, Html] =
def isAllowed(user: User): WebMonad[Boolean, Html] =
provides access to natural transformations of the type
Future ~> WebMonad
, but how you want the logic to execute is
probably contextual.
Lets assume we don’t want to overload the server
by lots of needless calls to userLookup
, but if the user goes back
to the ‘username’ step and changes their answer we then want to
abandon the cached User
and call the server again. For this purpose
the rerunOnPriorStateChange
method gives us what we need - it takes
a checksum of the state of the previous pages and will only call the
inner method again if the checksum changes.
However it is possible that an administrator revokes access to a user
after they have gone past the ‘username’ page, in which case caching
the result would be a bad thing. For this purpose we may decide we’re
happy to trade a bit more load to the server in return for better
security. In this case using alwaysRerun
would cause the user to be
unable to advance from ‘s1’ to ‘s2’ (for example) even if they had
access at the start of the journey because isAllowed
runs again for
each step after its position in the journey.