An interact is a single step in a Uniform journey that both presents information to and requests information from the user simultaneously.


interact is simply the combination of an ask and a tell together into a single step. In fact we can consider both ask and tell to be specialised forms of interact.

It has a type parameter for both the datatype being presented to the user (Tell) and being asked of the user (Ask). A confirmation page presenting a user with an address and asking them for a Yes/No answer could be modeled as interact[Address, Boolean]("confirm-address", addr).

Relationship with ask and tell

Recall that a uniform step has three type parameters -

  1. Tracks the types used throughout the whole journey
  2. The type the user is being told (Unit in case of ask)
  3. The type the user is being told (Unit in case of tell)

Using some simplified pseudocode and ignoring the 1st type paramater we can see that both ask and tell can be considered as being defined in terms of interact -

def interact[T,A](stepId: String, value: T): Uniform[T, A]

def tell[T](stepId: String, value: T): Uniform[T, Unit] = 
  interact[T, Unit](stepId, value)

def ask[A](stepId: String): Uniform[Unit, A] = 
  interact[Unit, A](stepId, ())

ask is simply an interact with no data being presented to the user, and tell is just an interact with no data being requested of the user.

We will actually see this when we look at the type signatures of ask and tell -

import ltbs.uniform._

val aTell: Uniform[
             Needs.Interact[Int, Unit], 
             Int, // 'input' type
             Unit // 'output' type
           ] = tell("tell", 123)
val anAsk: Uniform[
             Needs.Interact[Unit, String], 
           ] = ask[String]("ask")
val anInteract: Uniform[
                  Needs.Interact[Option[Long], Boolean], 
                ] = interact[Boolean]("interact", Option(0L))

val composition: Uniform[
                   Needs.Interact[Int, Unit] with 
                     Needs.Interact[Unit, String] with 
                     Needs.Interact[Option[Long], Boolean], 
                   Int with Unit with Option[Long], 
                   (String, Boolean)
                 ] = for {
                   _  <- aTell
                   as <- anAsk
                   in <- anInteract
                 } yield (as, in)