How it works - the Web Monad

The uniform web interpreter is based off the observation that interaction with a web journey can be thought of as an Either[Result, A] for a given ask[A] as long as Either is right-associative monad.

Given an ask[Address] we would convert that to Either[Result, Address]

A Right[Result, Address] would represent that the user has supplied a value which has passed validation, in this situation we can proceed to the next step in the journey.

A Left[Result, Address] could represent a number of things, but for simplicity we’ll consider the main ones as -

  1. No data submitted (render an empty form)
  2. Data submitted, validation not passed (render a populated form with an error message)
  3. Data submitted previously, form being revisited by the user (render a populated form)

When running a single ask[A] we get either a new page to be rendered (a Left(someResult)) or we get a Right[A]. Because right-associative Either is a cats.Monad that captures the error context we can compose all our steps into one big Either[Result, B].

Inside our controller we invoke our program with the web interpreter. Along with the program we supply a terminating fold of the form B => Future[Result] which allows us to specify what should happen when we get to the end of the journey along with what should be sent to the user.

And this is the basis of how web journeys work in Uniform. In practice we cannot encapsulate everything in an Either[Result, ?], so the actual Webmonad is closer to the following -

type WebInner[A] = RWST[Future, (JourneyConfig, List[String], Request[AnyContent]), Unit, (Path, DB), A]
type WebMonad[A] = EitherT[WebInner, Result, A]

Our steps must be within Future in order to support scenarios where we need to call some remote process (for example to do an address lookup).

The JourneyConfig reader is merely a placeholder for configuration options that may be needed in the future.

The List[String] reader is used for the URL pieces, for example - => List("one","two","three")

Normally the user will move through the journey naturally (there is a redirect following a validated post), however this allows the user to explicitly give a step (for example if they want to go back in the journey and change an answer)1.

The Request reader is used mainly for extracting the payload from a POST request.

The Path state allows all pages to know the pages that have come before them, and can be used to create breadcrumb hyperlinks on the page.

DB is an alias for Map[List[String],String] and its usage in the state is for serialising the data the user has been input. This is handled by the PersistenceEngine.

  1. Although the user can request any page they like uniform will not allow the user to bypass validation or skip pages without answering questions.